chocolate covered raisons d'être


“The game is afoot!”

Whenever the vaccines come out, Trump will take all the credit for them and claim they would’ve come out much faster if he had been re-elected. Also, you people will never get the greatest most fantastic healthcare plan now nyaaaaa!

I was thinking how Harris will probably be the face of the Democratic Party for a long time to come. And how awesome that would be.

The baseball bat therapy...gonna have to try that :)

Right now with Trump still screaming that the whole election was rigged....yeah... no doubt that’s stirring up the armed nutjobs. Honestly, I was surprised there were no incidents with all the celebrations going on. Hopefully, things remain safe.

I didn’t cry but the feeling of relief was glorious. Thinking about not waking up every day dreading what might be coming next. I know Donald Trump will be a constant murder hornet flying around our heads till he finally dies....but we won’t have to pay any attention to him if we don’t want to. He will go into the

You made it! Very happy for you starting this new adventure. May it be everything you dreamed and more.

So glad to hear you and the tiny one are ok!

Relief. Sweet relief.

Her laugh at the end of that clip....perfect.

It’s so delicious that Harris is on the winning ticket. You know that is lodged somewhere in Trump’s mush mellon. An eminently qualified woman of color? Like a sliver jammed up under one of his fingernails and it’s not coming out.

Greasy orange is not a natural color?

In that vein...could you imagine a world in which we never had to suffer another utterance from a Trump? Never had to hear that greasy Creamsicle’s weird and disturbing speaking manner projectile vomiting up a torrent of hate and stupidity? Or listen to any of his kids babbling like the emotionally damaged parrots

This is nice and wonderful. Put the anger behind us and all that. But let’s also never forget. A lot of damage has been done. Trump and his crime family should be held accountable.

Well, see, it adds up like this....Trump is a delusional lunatic.

The canned mushrooms are gross but with fresh this don't sound bad at all.

Oh yeah! I prefer to douse them in BBQ sauce instead of ketchup and black pepper instead of salt.

Kornacki’s Khakisis is the name of my harmonica\kazoo dark normpunk band playing at an abandoned mall near you sometime in 2025 if were all still here.