chocolate covered raisons d'être

What? No love for chruch theater groups and their Xmas pageant productions? In yer face, evangelicals!

Indeed. Colostomy bags are necessary and helpful. Two things Trumps is not, has never been and never will be.

Proof again Trump is not the 5-D chess strategist a lot of his lumpen supporters think he is. All the ambulant orange colostomy bag had do do right from the start was say “Follow the CDC guidelines. That’s our best approach for managing this crisis while we put maximum effort into developing treatments and vaccines.

Has Trump connected the final dots and claimed that Biden actively conspired with the Chinese to bring COVID-19 here to destroy America, cause a depression, arm Antifa and BLM, level the suburbs and sell your children to Satanic pizza-eating elites? Seems like Trump is thiiiiis close to tying it all together.

Finally, some truth from the administration:

We’re coming from a similar family background, sounds like. And we learned those classic behaviors in reaction and as survival\coping defenses. Your brain gets wired as a kid and you spend your adult life trying to undue some of that damage. There are so many goddamn days that the effort of it all makes you feel like

You....you da best.

Acceptance of my limits and permitting myself to set boundaries. At this late stage of my life, I’m finally letting go of the idea that I’m responsible for everything and the guilt I’ve always felt for not being able to fix all the problems, whatever they were. It’s learning to breathe more freely.

Dude didn’t rule it out as an option, either.


Who can blame them? Look at what a utopia America became after the Civil War. Why wouldn’t any sane rational person want to relive those golden days?

Who among us was sitting around post-debate hoping for Megyn Kelly’s sage assessment?

You’re a proud Hamerican. No one is faulting you for this.

Oh. Well. In my early 20's and in my first serious relationship. My beloved and I decided to patronize the movie picture show one evening. We got there just as the lights dimmed and previews fired up. My lady fair then requested popcorn and soda so I beat feet to the concession counter to find a line. Ugh. I HATED

Also in his nose.

The depressing thought haunts me that, whatever happens in the election, we will continue to hear from Donald Trump till the day he dies. May that day come sooner rather than later.

Like everything else, Trump’s lumpen base are in a froth over Hunter’s harddrive, but I can’t help but think...really Donnie? Corruption? That’s the issue for you in these final days? When you’re the most corrupt, greedy shithead slimy business douche we’ve had in the Whitehouse in our lifetime and arguably ever. When

Rich’s recap and video snippets are plenty to convince me that this is not the show for me. I like Drew when she’s on talk shows and all but this is a lot.

We all owe you an apology.

Moonlings faked the Earth landing back in 1969.