chocolate covered raisons d'être

There is nothing quite like hearing Donald J. Trump once again proclaim himself the least racist person in the room. It is the ultra-lie that betrays the ingrained dishonesty at the center of his being. Once those words leave his grease hole, you know you’ve hit the gooey fecal core of what Trump is.

There’s no actual law that once you’ve sealed up a president in a plexiglass box, you have to let him out or, indeed, even provide him with an oxygen supply, right? That’s another of those norms we’ve come to realize don’t apply anymore, correct?

Through a lot of trial and error, I found the “best time” was if I felt the other person and I were really connecting. Might be after 2 dates, might be ten. Whenever it was, I’d just say “You need to know I deal with some mental health issues. They are this. I see a therapist, I take meds and I’m committed to taking

Are you sure you’re not needy?  Look, she moved. Things have changed. You had a casual thing (so you claim). She’s got a new life in a new location. Wish her the best, stay in touch when\how you can and find a new Tinder friend or whatever. Some people drift into your life and then drift out. It’s really nothing to be

Ha! Wrong, Summers. The feet are ‘shopped in. The shoes were there. They’ve ALWAYS been there.

How long do we think it’ll be before Trump demands 2FA be removed because it’s too complicated for him?

Could’ve posted pics of a shirtless Putin with many heart and eggplant emojis, pehaps including the Russian word for “daddy”.

Yeah correctly guessing some moron’s password hardly seems like a hack.

We’re all tired of this dragging on. For myself, I try to remember that the virus don’t care what I think or how I feel about it. So being tired is sad but getting sick could be a whole lot worse.

Let the court cases begin....

Yes! Pets, please!

I don’t have one of these...watcha call ‘em again?...babies, is it?...but I certainly appreciate the service they are rendering injecting a few drops of joy into the nearly dead souls of so many of us Salut!

More stars! More stars!

Learning the family business.

Shades of “No one has done more for The Blacks than me!”

Kind of you to say. Condolences to you also. 

Both of my parents died from cancer. Terrible way to go.

Homemade beef stew. Now that the weather is getting chilly, it hit the spot just right.

Fauci is wrong about Trump. Deep down, Trump believes in nothing. He does whatever he does to benefit himself. He is President Id.

Rogan and Kanye? Yeah, no.