chocolate covered raisons d'être

Yes, let us all ponder what another four years of Donald Trump would be like for the ol’ US of A.

So hypothetically....if someone were to...I dunno...allegedly take a shot at Trump, that could be characterized as a “prank” right? All in good fun, right Donnie?

I don’t really have any words of wisdom. You sound like you already have some good perspective on what’s happened but you’re still working on the emotional fallout. I don’t know that there’s anything to do but let that run its course. We process these things in our own time. It’s a tough experience but you’ve learned

Loving the grey kittys.

Was hoping the above picture was him finally succumbing to a fatal coronary event but no such luck....

Thing is...Black lives still matter in spite of all the fuckery these assholes perpetrate. Only thing that’s going to happen is more people will start turning against LEOs the more they show themselves only concerned about preserving their power.

There’s just too much yelling.

What is the point of all this? Greed for its own sake, probably. These people already have the keys to the Great American Casino.

I read this in Trump’s voice and it sounded like a typical Thursday.

Trump lost the popular vote by about 3 million. He’s president because we’re still using an 18th century system. Hopefully, the fact that a person like Trump can become president will spur us on to start reforming the way we do things.

I’m by nature a pessimist so more often than not I’m guilty of the “Oh, really?...well DUH!” mindset. But you’re right. People respond to a more positive message and are more likely to engage when given that motivation. Constant cynicism bleeds into everything and can easily become hopelessness and nihilism. In this

I think I read that he had owned stock awhile ago but does not currently. Take that with however many tons of salt you like. Curious about the spawn, though.

“Let them eat vitamins.”

I pulled a man once. Those were the days.

“Stop denying each individual sperm his chance to procreate as the good Lawd intended!”

Cruz doesn’t want Trump to call his wife ugly again. Anything else is irrelevant to him.

Absolutely. Fuck Romney and his hand-wringing over the state of our politics. He wants us all to look to him like he’s the conscience of the nation? Outside of an occasional mealy-mouthed criticism of Trump, what the fuck has he done? He could’ve been in the media every damn day for the last four years calling out

That Batcycle looks cool. Not cool enough to make me want to see this movie but I’ll look at pictures of it.

At this stage of my life, all I care about is a good buffet.

Why the very notion that anyone would question her integrity! She promises not to violate her oath! She’s a mother, after all!