
Boozy little chickenshit.

Twilight Sparkle's overprotective husband is filing a lawsuit as we speak.

Well, that's just obscene.

There are worse things to build empires on.

Don't. Jinx. It.

Tell me who those people are so I can hunt them down.

Peter Wolf (producer):
There was a lot of hate inside the band. What was his name, the
gentleman who just died? Paul Kantner. Paul [Jefferson Airplane's co-founder] was an old hippie who was not relevant anymore. Everyone wanted to go more modern, and he didn't want to. I was happy Paul left. He argued with everybody,

Also, I believe that he used to do skateboard tricks onstage.

And yet, it's still only the second most embarrassing thing to be associated with the Jefferson Airplane/Starship/Whatever: https://www.google.com/url?…

Someone on my Twitter recently pointed out that all of Grace Slick's vocals can be effortlessly switched around with Jello Biafra's. Try it!

I immolated myself in protest after reading the words "Kevin Smith".

Proof that the Russians love(d) their children too.

See also: Scott Adams and the Dilbert cartoon.

I haven't read the Dark Materials books in forever (and had my problems with it then - even as an agnostic, organized religion probably shouldn't get the entire blame for humanity's ongoing misery), but I thought Pullman actually handled a similar scene much better - or at least, far less pruriently.

I suspect that his entire existence has been a fuck-you to his flower child parents.

That episode has probably my favorite Birdman gag - when Devlin first crashes into his office, with no warning, it cuts to a close-up of Harvey frozen in a rictus of delight while debris flies around and tires squeal. It takes a fraction of a second, but it still gets me.

I'm not in the industry, but from what I've read from those who were and are, it's astounding that large-scale animation as a form exists at all. It's probably the single most intrinsically difficult way to make a film that I can think of. Even with shortcuts (rotoscoping, motion capture, etc.), it's still an

Credit and money are nice, but at the end of the day, they still got to make something a multimillionare movie star scribbled down when he was high. And isn't that what's most important?

According to the Hollywood Reporter article, the final cut was done by the company that did the teaser trailer. Is this a new low, or has that happened before?

You know what could make sending all of your co-stars used condoms over a role worse?
When that role involves less than ten minutes of screen time.