
And they tend to wring the good ones they do send us dry beforehand.

Fun fact: after a Celebrity Beer Pong, interns are required to pour off everything into flasks, which then serve as Fallon's giggle fuel for the next two weeks.

Ouch. I mean, true, but still.


This is the most spontaneous and uninhibited award show on television,

Thanks For Making Me Imagine David Cross's Painful Diarrhea, Internet!

…So you're saying that I should be injecting habanero sauce into my veins right now?

Hey, you guys like obscure references, right? Well, then you should love this!

He says the special effects are simply too expensive, with one minute of
close-up on a Na’vi costing more than a million dollars



Please, the Peter Pan (/Wizard Of Oz/Alice in Wonderland) porno was a decade ago. Now it's all about 1,200 page novels about his hometown, baby!

My favorite part of that is the exact words she used: "The press reported it as, ‘How crazy are Oberlin kids?’ But to me, it was actually, ‘Right on.'” Like she's a Black Panther circa 1969.

Yeah, the rice is poorly cooked because the workers have contempt for Japanese culture, not because they're likely underpaid and overworked servants toiling at a finishing school for rich 'creatives'.

I hate to bait the inevitable trolls, but is it possible that she's getting…dumber? Between this and the sushi thing…

Bouncing off of Noel's thoughts about television and theater - the stage-bound, 'three cameras and a set' model of television is all but extinct (at least when it comes to 'respectable' drama and comedy), which is kind of a shame, since it's arguably the most purely 'televisual' of formats.

PBS 40 years ago, I guess. Which I would love, but I can understand that it would be hell for other people.

Orrrr it could just be some random shit some people came up with when they were high.

Yeah, otherwise it's just a goth who went overboard.

I do think the show is especially amusing if you live in New York City.