
It's the only reliable source of income for him these days, I suspect.

The movie’s clear influences add another layer of imitation: Efron and Devine’s immature teamwork suggests that they’ve been watching Step Brothers a lot, while Kendrick and Plaza act like they’ve been studying Tina Fey. Plaza in particular spends at least the first half-hour of the movie saying most of her lines in

Squatting together in a puppet trench for six years will turn any pair into enemies.

I'm betting/praying that those are part of the new Mst3k season.

Leatherface - the original farm-to-table butcher.

The whole mind-bogglingly long list can be read here, and includes three Wayans brothers.

This is a all-round great interview, but I wanted to highlight his Muppet stuff in particular, which I think gets so much to the core of what I love about Henson's work. That sense of acknowledging, however obliquely, life's darkness and pain while still reaching for sweetness, silliness, and even transcendence is at

Lousy welfare kings!

Ah yes, one of the lesser known side effects of cocaine abuse - Snuffleupagusism.

I always link to this whenever Zappa comes up - it's probably the best piece on him I've read, and it helped me work through my conflicted feelings about his work: http://www.furious.com/perf…

It'll get really uncomfortable when Spider-Mobile calls out Optimus Prime's numerous assualt allegations.

First, you know that's what he meant. Second, while I understand that we can't (and shouldn't) try to recreate the second half of the twentieth century, I strongly dislike the narrative of 'welp, that's progress!' that tech-boosters use whenever something that they designed (emphasis on DESIGNED, mind you - it didn't

Right, and when something has historical precedent, that makes it okay!

I was gonna say that Ms. Chavez might be getting checks from Google. Oh, I'm sorry - Alphabet.

Of the many, many reasons to loathe Silicon Valley (the location, not the show that satirizes it), making me feel sympathy for huge music conglomerates may be the most galling.

Yes, thank you Mr. White.


Sloth and/or spite. The most powerful forces in the known universe!

I think you know the answer to that.