
Speaking of Trump and cabarets - for the past six months, every time I watch Colbert or see anti-Trump memes on Twitter (which, predictably, are thinning out - since where do you go now?), I hear Peter Cook's line about "those wonderful Berlin cabarets … which did so much to stop the rise of Hitler and prevent the

Poor Rupert Grint looks the most convincing - I suspect because they did the least amount of work on him.

The chin-enlargement spell did not work as planned.

The Godfather makeup is even more amazing when you find out that - at Brando's request - there were no prosthetics involved.

Not least because…certain elements seem to be playing out in reality.

If you think about any of this movie's plot points for more than a second, it falls apart (most glaringly - why does Don Knotts' repairman just impotently shake his fist instead of coming in for himself?), but it gets enough mileage out of its central metaphor (obvious though it is, it's still something a lot of

The AV Club
not constrained by parents, physics, or a moral code

What, no cigarettes? That's usually the first line of action!

Very late to this, but: Joel has spoken about his unabashed love for Zardoz, so you may be in luck there.

Meat Loaf for Secretary of Defense!

The next one will star Christina Hendricks, wearing a bikini in every scene, regardless of place or occasion.

I didn't think Stephen Fry could go lower than mocking victims of childhood abuse.

Oh, I know. Just noting that they were among the first to reference swing and jump blues after the fact. I could have easily picked Joe Jackson (who I also like/love) or Setzer (who I hate).

Phil and Dave Alvin…what hath thou wrought?

I'm surprised Family Guy hasn't done an episode called The Infinite Cutaway.

Right when they're filming the climax, a squadron of police cars show up and arrest everybody.

This looks…fun. Superheroes can't be fun! Superheroes are glowering representations of grinding existentialism!

Trump becoming the GOP nominee pretty much broke the fourth seal.