
Apparently, Stiller was so upset by Zoolander 2's reception that he decided to commit ritual career seppuku. That's pretty much the only way this makes sense.

He is apparently unaware of the fedora's recent…associations.


Today Your Love Fear Of Minorities, Tomorrow The World

In the single most debased, humiliating way possible to boot.

The problem with using Ted Nugent's music is that half-to-three-quarters of the lyrics are about fucking underage girls, as opposed to the more reasonable 25-35% of other bands.

Really, we're spoiled for Stillson impersonators.

Still better than her Jesus fanfic.

Yeah, as soon as I saw those two names together on my Twitter feed, I turned my phone off and prayed for a half hour.

Actually, Hair could be the forerunner for this. The two creators/leads were really struggling playwrights in their mid-30s who claimed to be a decade younger when the show was a hit - which is why it also feels somewhat eratz.

I hadn't thought about it in quite those terms, but 'cruel' is a great word for it. It's almost like straight kids roleplaying as hypercatty gay stereotypes as an excuse to be assholes. (See: Julie Klausner, who apparently never grew out of it.)

(Sigh) No, I do not condone the actions of certain members of Bernie's fanbase. No, I will not vote for Trump when Hillary gets the nomination. Yes, Sanders has plenty of problems as well.

My ass she won't. I'm resigned to her as president (especially if/when Trump gets the nomination), but she is the Queen of Triangulation, and the idea that activist groups won't have to hold her feet to the fire on every issue during her time in office is ridiculous.

It's Peter Cook's line about the Weimar cabarets that did so much to stop the rise of Hitler fulfilled.

Finally, the time he spent learning Spanish curse words will not have been in vain.

Like a medieval version of the Chappelle's Show sketch.

I'm one of those people Noel mentions who's only seen it in bits and pieces, but going more or less through extrapolation:

MARTIN SCORCESE: Okay, Michael, chocolate milk break's over - it's time to go back and play gangster.

And of course, who could forget K-Tel's many, many SCTV exclusives?