
Oh, I'm not bashing X (or Slick and Kantner, for that matter) - just trolling any weird culltural Stalinists who still unaccountably advocate some form of Year Zeroism.

Obligatory punk-purist baiting: it was unexpectedly amusing, when I finally sat down and listened to X, to realize where those two-part male-and-female harmonies came from - Grace Slick and Paul Kantner's early 70s solo albums. Not even Jefferson Airplane proper - the solo albums.

I just don't like James Murphy. At least he has some precedent, though - you're right.

Because those are the people I was waiting for Prince tributes from.

Movie magic!

Perfect storm of Watergate, post-counterculture Aquarianism, and end-of-days fervor.

Fun fact - this is how Kurt Sutter makes her dress at home.

Oh God. Not the 2000s nostalgia. No no no I thought I had more time NO-

They're confused by pillar boxing? It's the same thing. Or is it a case of 'stuff used to be square'?


Wait, do you mean super-35 style 1.85:1 cropping or 2.35:1 cropping? Because if it's the latter, yeesh.

Okay. That's it. There's nothing left. Nothing left to remake, reboot, or reimagine. The well is dry. The cup is empty. We have hit peak adaptation. To go further beyond this point would be to leave reality behind and enter a lovecraftian realm of pure madness. I beg of you Hollywood. Don't break the seals. Heed my

Truly a man both ahead of and severely behind his time.

Because no one willingly comprehends Maroon 5 lyrics if they can possibly help it.

Well, you know, if Jimi hadn't been held back by the producer, that would be the chorus for Purple Haze.

I heartily endorse this gimmick.

I. Am. So. Tired. Of. Pot. Jokes.

Past sucked. News at 11.