
You don't understand - they're just that important.

Two of the three examples you mentioned are also supposed to be hypercompetent savants. They do get results, and whether or not you agree with those shows' viewpoints (I don't, for the record), they're very different types of characters from Hannah (or from Tony Soprano or Walter White, for that matter, who also get

You should, but yes. Yes it is.

As Masky McDeath. It's the role he was born to play, baby!

He's said that he's not doing anymore Stooges songs without the Ashetons. Which sucks, but you can see where he's coming from.

That's a very, very poor man indeed.

(Not saying this behavior is exclusive to the rich, but privledge doesn't help with that kind of thing.)

Also co-produced Joni Mitchell's brief synthpop flirtation Dog Eat Dog.

Also, Wall Of Voodoo. Mexican Radio ain't got nothing on Factory, Call Of The West, or their cover of Ring of Fire.

You know, the insistence on following the Woodstock model for rock and pop festivals (despite the fact that, depending on who you ask, the Woodstock model didn't even work out particularly great for Woodstock) instead of the already proven models for jazz and folk festivals will never not be baffling to me -

"Mellman's synth keyboards"

There's something about white musicians from Detroit that tends to make them Republican.

His version of Strawberry Fields Forever is great, too - not as good as the original, of course, but it shows how even played 'straight', the beautiful strageness of the song comes through.

1. "Bigger than Ed Sheeran" just doesn't have the same kind of charge to it…

I've forgotten everything about that episode except the Professor's long, straight faced recitation of Yesterday, and I would still agree with you.

I watched the second half of that during an HBO preview weekend a few years ago (not, as everything else in my sentence would indicate, in 1991), and the only thing I enjoyed was Joe Dante's Dwain Esper parody after the end credits.

…You know, I'm trying to give the American government every benefit of the doubt before I follow my gut instincts and join a left-wing anarchist militia, but it just keeps slapping every chance I give it away…

It's embedded in actorvious' reply to TFFB (I missed it initially, too).

In the very next episode after that, if I recall.

It wasn't just based on Apocalypse Now, but on Hearts of Darkness, the documentary about it.