
Not likely, Reeek!

Yep. I'm not a Sartre fan, but she's still a pretty great illustration of bad faith.

The scariest thing about that article (besides the obvious) is that she appears not to have changed since at least the age of eleven. Everything in her modern writing/interviews, from phrasing to viewpoint to level of intelligence and awareness, seem to have been fully or nearly formed by 1998. That's kind of

It is absolutely an acquired taste, though some (like me, I guess) acquire it faster then others.

I'll give you some pump action…

This is because I used a hashtag in the Neko Atsume thread, isn't it?

Only relevant if you watched the entire show but: how goddamn awesome/heartbreaking was it to see Bernie Worrell sitting in last night?

…Am I in 2006?


So it's like the bomb shelter in Blast from the Past, except that I guess they were preparing for Y2K.

But the boner! The farting! It works on so many levels!

I'm not sure alcohol was the inspirational substance behind this film.

His next project: a 23-film franchise based on Burroughs' Nova Trilogy.

…Well, now I feel bad telling you that I've never actually seen it. I just read about it from a 1985 book on visual effects that I checked out of the library when I was 12.

Also, if I was made Art Suzerain in some unimaginable series of circumstances, one of my first decrees (other than a decade long ban on filming in New York and LA) would be "Randomness is not the same thing as Surrealism. Those found passing off the former as the latter will be sent to the Andre Breton Re-Education

Going by the header image, it's about a farting boner corpse jetski that also died while impersonating a pirate.

I'm upvoting this partially because I like it, but also because I'm pretty sure I'll be the only person under 50 who'll get it.

Or Willem Dafoe.

I'm not even sure if this is a intentional joke or an autocorrect error, and I don't care.

Oh, I know. I'm saying that I vastly prefer his goofy stuff to his serious stuff (which, for me, is much closer to a mysticized postmodern Miller than people like to admit). Your mileage may vary on that, of course.