
I haven't seen Chloe, but I did see the original French version about six or seven years ago, and it scared me off of European cinema for an unreasonably long time. Still the most pointless movie I've ever seen.

Those tweets were also a follow-up to this piece Heer published in the New Republic, which is even more damning on Buckley: http://www.newrepublic.com/…

Do not ever put the words "Rum Tum Tugger" and "thrust" together in such proximity.

There's actually precedent for this, believe it or not: Bochco was apparently inspired by the works of Dennis Potter, who did these brilliant miniseries for the BBC in the 70s and 80s that juxtaposed downright nihilistic realism with heightened lip-synching to old 1930s pop records. (More about him here: http://www.the

I'm guessing the words "Twin Peaks" were thrown around at some point (as in "they're watching Twin Peaks, why wouldn't they watch this weird shit?")

Joel knows his way around melodies, but they're in the service of such mediocre lyrics, and (despite his occasional efforts for respect) he ultimately seemed so comfortable resting on his laurels artistically that it's no surprise he's just given up writing original material.

Billy Joel I get the disdain for, but for Newman, I guess the thought process must be froggy voice + Hollywood ubiquity = loathing?

You shut your mouth about the man who wrote "Sail Away".

I'm watching it now. He must have the least frightening voice imaginable - it's like the Pepperidge Farm guy with a cold.

Wow. I don't even need to play the video, do I?

I remember when I found out that one of his lyrics was "will your mouth still remember the taste of my love".

I have a Kindle, but I only use it for stuff that I wouldn't care about losing or that are unavailable otherwise. I am also ridiculously paranoid.

That's actually why (despite having only seen the published playlists for the first week - haven't had time to actually listen yet) I'm somewhat excited by the apparent success of Beats Radio 1. Sure, it's just as corporate as an over the air station (if not more so), and it seems more like an Americanized,

Good and bad points being made here.

Did you hear about those clowns in Congress? What a bunch of clowns!

- A.A. Dowd

Yikes about that Caitlyn Jenner joke. I assume the only reason people haven't gotten mad is that nobody watches TBS. Nobody. The last viewers just left when Seinfeld came to Hulu.

Unless he was bragging about himself, that last one's pretty unlikely.

Boy, thinking back on his stuff, he…has probably not aged too well.