
Bukowski, Hunter Thompson AND Tim & Eric?

Finally, conclusive proof that you are the Antichrist.

Yeah, exactly. And maybe if he was this vocal about some other should-be felons (coughwoodyallencough), I'd feel better about it.

Am I the only one who's uncomfortable with this? Not because Cosby doesn't deserve this (and so, so much else), but because this seems less like a way to get payback for the victims and more like an embattled white guy trying desperately to score points with "the feminists".


Word Salad: The Headline

Yeah, I was gonna say - is he growing it out now?

…What kind of society have we become where those words must be put together?

*stares into middle distance*

I loved that Blue album, though!

It's a huge vanity project being directly compared to GOOP by the overworked woman who created it.

EDIT: Eh, no one got it and it wasn't that good anyway.

*laughter turns into sobs*

Sadly, that's pretty par for the course in folk music of any stripe.

It's actually "God- I see God!"

Sidenote - I would say that we need a better genre classification for underground music during 78-84 than the maddeningly vague 'post-punk' one that Reynolds (?) came up with, but then I realized that the vast majority of it would have to filed under "second-wave art-rock", and that might ruffle a few punk

Not this time, actually.

One they've already done, no less!

That might actually be worse than the 'sperm bank' line in All Star.