
"Sonic product placement" is a great expression.

That just reminds me of the Naked Gun "I'm Into Something Good" gag.

Around 80% of the time, I really don't like pop songs overlaid onto movie or TV scenes, so this woman does the devil's work as far as I'm concerned.

For what it's worth, though, Gregg Allman has distanced himself from the term "Southern rock" and the "rebel flag" reputation it has. According to Wiki, his preferred nomenclature is "progressive rock band from the South" - although I don't know if he's referring to the genre or the radio format there.

You clearly mean Shakespeare's sonnets.

Or you know - D'Angelo.

Gentle Herpes in real life:


You know, the more I hear about him from people who have nothing to gain by making him a martyr, the more I think that Cobain…miiight have been kind of a dick.

…Yeah, this wasn't already tired when Stuff White People Like was doing it a decade ago.

Local White Person Mocks Other White People For Being White

I am excited for fully…

Holding out for the bones of John Merrick, myself.

He kind of did, if you think about it a certain way.


"Those channels are less about independent films now (especially IFC), and show more foreign films."

I hope someone got fired for that blunder!

Didn't Weir make Fearless (which I haven't seen, but know is hugely critically acclaimed) right after that, though?

"The issue isn't that we're not spending all of our time reading the classics, it's that a worryingly large section of the current adult population won't or can't. I'm okay with YA being discussed in the same way that you'd discuss real books, but there are adult readers these days that read YA exclusively. That

Agreed. However, at least then there wasn't a millions-strong subculture dedicated to pretending that that junk was actually the highest that art can get.