
I dunno, I got a little bit of it from the Chuck Berry entry, and from more than a few of these comments. But I understand where you're coming from - I just wanted to take the oppurtunity to talk about something that had been bugging me.

So did the House finale, I think.

Well, I guess we'll just have to get used to President Sanders, then.

The opener to Katie's answer actually got me depressed, because while I won't argue with her about the 60s sucking for women, it did bring up the obvious question - what decade, for one reason or another, hasn't sucked for women on the whole?

I'm sure that this topic won't generate 500-post arguments over whether a cited work is "dated" or not. Or whether the word "dated" should be applied to anything at all. Nosiree.


As I recall, that's a good one.

Hey, Billy's no scab.

Of course I'll be back. If you didn't close, I'd never leave!

I dunno - do we really want a pedophilic, pants-shitting Ned Flanders?

Why has no one alerted me about this stupid club for jerks?

If Groening finally, finally doesn't speak up over this, we know that he's either A) completely given up or B) fully gone over to the Lucasian Dark Side.

"Look out, Radioactive Man!"

Coming from you, this reads as incredibly unsettling.

…Yeah, that figures.

I was three then, so hell if I know.

"whether it was the hip-hop/folk hybrids that dominated alternative radio"

*resists urge to make Dave Coulier joke*

If they would actually do that in the series finale, all the crimes of the past 15 years would be absolved.

The AV Club