
Meet the Feebles, Greg The Bunny, the half-hour TV Funhouse…

As you would know if you read to the end of the article, yes.

That explains so much.

Ironically, it should probably be that bartender making the unwatchably morose films.

Jackson Pollock's his idol, both in terms of drinking and how to treat a woman.

*Becca James remains silent, afraid of what might happen to her inbox*

…the tail

While everyone stands around.

2. Being run down by a Haight Ashbury tour bus
1. Attempting to transfer your soul into a iPhone to impress venture capitalists

Except Ponyboy, of course.

Paint a Burger King crown gray.

Forget the politics - Neil has somehow found an even more boring album concept than Fork In The Road.


Jazz racist.

Marge Simpson - whatever age the writers feel like

The only terrifying thing in these photos is the possibility that that might be Stephen Schwartz enjoying a bowl in the second one.

No, but I can pick the person who's blankly grinning on the outside while praying for the dealer to leave on the inside. (Third from left.)

…But not by much.

Related: how many waiters at Cheesebuger In Paradise have top-of-the-hour-based PTSD, because that's when THE SONG comes on?

Meryl Streep IS Simple Jack.