

"Musicians and actors will actually interact with the waitstaff and dinner guests and play out a loose version of the story in real time throughout the course of the evening"

Please - a wire recorder, at least.

"amplified only with ribbon microphones"

Huh. I actually don't think she's pretentious at all - at least not about herself. (She seems very serious about her work, yeah, but I don't think that she extends that seriousness to her.)

Hey, everyone, this 68-year old woman doesn't give this guy a boner!

Yep. They then make various "box=vagina" innuendos.

Rumor has it that so does he. (The first part, anyway.)

Figures that you'd be in bed with the dong lobby.

I think we're all holding out hope for that.

Eh, I avoid it and hate it on principle, but not to a rabid degree.

We have always been at war with Patton Oswalt.

No mention of The Other Site scoring one, then?

You know that he does!


"Where does that guy keep his acorns?"

Well, I'm sure that the Kimmy Schmidt version exaggeratedHOLY MOTHER OF GOD

Okay, fair point - I should have said "underlies much of our mass intellectual/middlebrow culture", which is not (quite) the same thing.

"Right, but it's not like he's unique in getting to have it both ways. Everyone does it. You know who complains about hipsters the most? Educated white people from big cities with intellectual, creative or "cool" jobs. These are the people who made Stuff White People Like and Los Feliz Day Care into phenomenons."

That's the thing, though - he gets to have it both ways. He gets to live out the ultimate Brooklyn experience (bankrolled by his daddy and all) while still making superficial fun of it so he doesn't appear too out of it.