
Christgau's a prick. I thought that this was already well established.

Would you tell him that, though?

Come now - he also does shitty versions of AOR and Motown.

Better than Barbra and Jack White.

That's true up to a point, but eventually a decades-old genre's momentum does run out. (Look what happened to rock.) And what happens then? All new art is inherently built on bits of the past, and just because the danger certainly exists for nostalgia-based inertia to set in doesn't mean an artist shouldn't have a

There's a whoooole lotta reasons why Joni Mitchell needs to be locked in a room with a therapist (her delusional parasitosis, the whole "I'm a black man" thing), and one of them is so that she can go out and continue what Hejira started.

Oh, god, I love her, but Patti needs to stop writing songs for Johnny Depp and Amy Winehouse, go into the studio with Lenny Kaye, and cut the freaky psych-jazz record they've clearly wanted to make forever.

And that's not even including whole genres like jump blues and western swing.

The time for any great new Chuck Berry album was in 1988, around the time of Hail, Hail, Rock 'n' Roll. And look how well he responded to that.

Hell, the A- and B-sides of some of his singles were LITERALLY the same song with different lyrics.

Andy Partridge by himself, even.

*single tear rolls down Daryl's face*

Also - there are the assholes who like James Taylor, and there are the assholes who like My Bloody Valentine. The twain does not meet. Pick one kind of asshole, Dunham and Konner!

For a feminist, Dunham really does love her stereotypically shrill harpies who cry misogyny at the drop of a hat, doesn't she?

Holy shit, I only pegged him as ill because I was sure that this direction was too obvious even for them. I am frankly stunned.

Sorry, did that come off a little dickish? I should have added *strokes chin*…


…Avenged Sevenfold fans are boomers?


I've said it before and I'll say it again - the hipster was never anything more than a yuppie in smug counterculture camouflage. Think about it - vaguely hedonistic 'young urban professionals' struggling to 'make it' (currently known to us as freelancers) who gradually turn into well-off fortysomethings desperate to