
Same. Hopefully Teen Wolf Two will break that streak.

THERE we go.

…What, the giant sign behind her at the MTV awards didn't convince you?

"It's a city. Cool shit happens in lots of cities."

It's from Futurama, and originally applied to Friends (although I strongly doubt that David Schwimmer was, in fact, the largest cast member.)

Wasn't there a big dust-up in the comments last week about Hannah being able to do that in such a short amount of time?


As a formerly rabid Dunham hater and current Dunham whatever-just-leave-me-alone, I hated her both because I felt she was a bad filmmaker, writer and overall artist (and still believe that), but also because she was rich, successful, and working - all the things I wasn't. I'm getting over that, hopefully.

This doesn't seem like an A- review. I mean, it starts off like one, but by the end…I don't even know.

You should be.

It's really hard to snap menacingly with felt hooves on, though.

Oh, that makes it a lot - 4CHAN?!

Is…is that a subreddit you just mentioned?

No, you're confusing them with the Kutie Mark Klan.

*involuntarily shrieks*

Aw, the header IS cute!

You mean "stable", right?

*pushes "TELL ME MORE" button*

No one, because you touch yourself to them.