
Ok, this is awful, but forcing the birth of an 8-month fetus and then killing it AFTER birth is NOT an abortion. Let's not conflate the language here - only gives the so-called pro-lifers more "BABY MURDERER!" fuel...

My 4-year-old daughter had very relevant commentary on this photo.

This thread is comedy gold. I'm just going to sit back here and watch as all these awesome broads eviscerate you.

Be nice, we millennial will be deciding which millennials-staffed nursing home you will end up.

No it doesn't. It says "End Restroom Inequity." I see where you're getting it from now though.

So, you started your post off with, I'm going to deny you all reproductive freedom, but I'm the one being confrontational? Really? We aren't your philosophical playground; these are our actual lives and bodies.

But here's the thing: Being pregnant and driving a car aren't actually all that similar. Girls can still have sex, they can still get raped, they can still get pregnant, loooong before they've reached the age of majority. And if you don't let them get abortions, then you just have a bunch of teens becoming mothers

Which is why the wishes of each individual should be taken into account. This girl clearly states she is not ready to have a child. That's what should matter here. It is her body and her emotional and physical well-being that are going to be affected. What is forcing her to continue with a pregnancy going to do? How

Yeah, actually it kind of does. Even if adoption were in the picture, she'd still be a birth mother. Giving a child up for adoption doesn't make someone any less of a mother, just a different kind of mother.

Want to hear a crazier one? Dan Ariely randomly assigned people into three groups. All the people were given designer sunglasses to try - but one group was told they were real, one group was told they were counterfeit and one group wasn't told anything about their provenance. They wandered around with the glasses on

Someone missed a spot.

I just want to thank you for trying to be a voice of reason and compassion in an otherwise loathsome thread (which didn't start out that way). I'd have bashed my head against my desk a thousand times by now.

Let me just sum up the comments on this article for everyone:

Jobs that cant pay a living wage for full time work should not exist. It is that simple.

Wichitan here, I work for the competition of Clear Channel and I am proud to report that we still air the Southwind spots! Whoopeee!

Except most rapists don't end up prosecuted, publicly shamed, in jail, or on the sex offender registry. But super thanks for bringing up how unnecessary you think rape prevention is!