
I'm not going to waste time arguing about facts and science because frankly I shouldn't need to. I'm not disagreeing with you about the over-arching principles of the case... I just think it's telling that we are willing to accept people's ignorant opinion that Plan B is different than Seasonique, and have an actual

Plan B = birth control pills. It is the same medication. People claiming otherwise are the ones skewing it.

I get what you're saying, but it's hard to believe that it's "less about contraceptives" when no other medication/procedure is being taken to court. There are people who oppose blood transfusions, vaccinations, Viagra on religious grounds- why are we hearing no cases about these? These issues were even mentioned

The job market must be pretty rough if it takes this much work to get an INTERNSHIP

You cannot get hepatitis or any other blood-borne illness from trying on stained underpants. This is utterly ridiculous.

Is anyone else mildly offended that this is even a story? STOP THE PRESSES! WOMAN GETS PERIOD UNEXPECTEDLY! God damn people. What exactly were the VS employees supposed to do? Give the woman a million dollars for her traumatic revelation that other women have tried on the same bikini bottoms at a big, chain lingerie

If I hear the phrase "lean in" one more time, I swear to god I will projectile vomit on whoever said it.

One of my friends in college got a job at American Apparel in Soho. The job interview consisted of him showing up at an open call, having his polaroid taken, and being told "we'll call you." He ended up getting the job for $10/hour, which is the same amount I got paid at more "mainstream" chain clothing store nearby

Meat is always pricier than the vegetarian options. Visit any local restaurant or grocery store. Heck, even a Whole Foods. The veggie options will be cheaper than the meat options.

Ah yes. Because we all know that just because something is technically illegal, it never happens. Go spend some time in the real world, listen to people who don't have the same identical life experiences as you, and build up some *actual* common sense. Then come back and troll websites that discuss issues of which you

This is all anecdotal, but I'm mostly responding to the mansplainy assertion that no one is "out to get us" with specific examples of how people have been directly "out to get me." I remember searching for jobs as a recent college graduate and being asked, on numerous job interviews, some variation of the question

"hold up with common criminals and drug addicts"- I guess she doesn't take NYC public transportation.

"The Time Mars Hill Church Used "Cool" Christianity to Prey on Vulnerable Young People Who Are New in Town, Going Through a Traumatic Stage of Life, Estranged from Their Families, and/or Just Lonely and Looking for Friends at the Coffee Shop" - Isn't this literally every evangelical religion?

I'm confused as to how these toys are solving the "PINK PINK PINK!" problem though, because when I go to the goldieblox website, most of the toys are in pastel, traditionally feminine colors and have little figurines of puppies on them and stuff like that, which is basically what Legos seems to be doing with the

THIS! My male friends don't even believe me when I tell them about some of the bullshit I deal with. It's taken years to diagnose my PCOS because doctors kept poo pooing my weight gain, missed periods, and hair loss as "stress related." I used to miss high school for debilitating periods, and was told that "this is

Are they controlling for ages? Because I'm guessing that most married people are, on average, older than single-never-marrieds. And of course widows are more likely to be elderly and on fixed incomes. Which would explain the gap in spending.

My mother had a stillborn son when I was about 10 years old. She has a picture of him (deceased) in an ornament that she hangs on our Christmas tree every year, still. She is certainly not part of the cellphone/selfie era, but this is still meaningful for her somehow. I've never understood it, but you can't really

Having traveled in Germany, I think your friend is in for a pretty rude awakening when she gets there, if she thinks it's going to be any better.

So wait... I don't understand... he's speaking negatively about dating because it's "like prostitution"... but then he's upset when women DON'T act like prostitutes and don't get naked for a free dinner. So what does he want, exactly? Is he happy about the expectation to buy dinner so long as it guarantees sex? Is he

My sides literally hurt from laughing so hard at you right now.