Proto Man

Possibly unpopular take?: It doesn’t feel like 2016 again, because IIRC there was a general sense then that of course Trump wouldn’t actually win and even he seemed surprised that he did.

Here’s the thing: reassuring your nervous supporters that the debate was “one bad night” shouldn’t be complicated at all. Just get the candidate in as many live, unscripted situations as possible to prove that he can still think on his feet and still has the stamina to campaign. Schedule a live, one-hour town hall

4 years? They should have learned this lesson in 2000. Or 2004. Obama saved them from themselves in 2008, but underneath that cool Black populous exterior, he was a centrist from the get-go. They came close to blowing it in 2012, and then decided to just go with the candidate they tried to push in 2008 to disastrous

Because the power brokers of our two political parties are the 1%, and they’ve figured out how easy it is to manipulate enough of the electorate into voting for their preferred candidate. Every now and then a wild card like Trump comes along, and they just have to figure out how to establish control. In this case, the

It is largely apocalyptic for him because he was already polling terribly.

I’m not going to watch it. I have enough of my own drama. It’s a shame folks are so addictied to spectacle (not meaning you) because news outlets are going to give it to them.

It’s just weird to me that Trump’s obvious cognitive decline (I mean, dude was on pause for a full 90-seconds) does not get discussed AT ALL, except by late night comedians.  I’m not comfortable with either choice, but at least I know Biden doesn’t surround himself with crony yes-men or the 2025 Project people (who

I don’t look forward to the next few months of liberals huffing copium and denying Biden’s obvious cognitive decline, again, until he inevitably loses to Trump.

Does this mean that for a short while, Kevin Bacon was one degree of Kevin Bacon away from Kevin Bacon?

I think COVID helped Biden win 2020 more than any other bad thing Trump did in office.”

But I mean... HOOTIE!... he knows HOOTIE!!! 

This right here.  It’s a fine movie until the ending makes it worthless.  My parents love it so whenever they have it on I just make sure I don’t watch it past the part where they explain the trick with the Central Park tree.

Yes, she did.

I have only seen the second one once. Thanks to whatever algorithm is on my Facebook, I’ve seen the card scene in the secure lab 48,173,038 times.

“Now You Don’t” alone isn’t a great name. “Now You See Me: Now You Don’t” is.

I went back and looked at the AVC review of the movie, plus the Spoiler Space for it. Man, people were mad about that movie. A. A. Dowd gave it a B!

Oh definitely. It’s dumb as hell but pretty dumb fun I’d say. Except for the end twist that (SPOILERS FOR A DECADE OLD MOVIE) Mark Ruffalo orchestrated the whole thing which undercuts the whole plot and means that the entire plot of him trying to catch them was pointless. It’s like if Ocean’s 11 ended with George

By coincidence, we watched the first one on Friday. We enjoyed it pretty well, because we were high, but even with that it was just a colossally stupid movie. We believe it came into existence when a movie executive got blasted out of his mind on coke, watched The Prestige, fell asleep, and then woke up and thought

Ah. I see I’m truly dealing with the star of the varsity debate squad here.

It’s a shame because the first film was legitimately cute. But the minions going from sidekick to oversaturated Illumination mascots and these films having less and less reason to exist beyond that first one has been a bit of a bummer to watch.