Proto Man

Having seen them all, Onward is definitely the weakest of the four pandemic-era Pixar movies and feels more like a Dreamworks movie than a Pixar one.

I never know what film bloggers mean when they claim a studio will learn “all the wrong lessons” from a movie’s commercial success. Is this writer’s implication that Inside Out 2’s status as a sequel is irrelevant to how well it’s doing at the box office? Because from a purely moneymaking standpoint, Disney is quite o

No shit. The point is that there’s been hand-wringing about exactly the number of sequels/prequels/spin-offs/remakes/reboots vs. original material out there for years now. Just do a Google News search; there are pieces going back to 2003.

Luca, Turning Red, and Soul get overlooked a lot because they were the wave of movies that never hit theaters due to the pandemic. To a lesser extent it affected Onward too, since even though that made it to theaters, lockdowns went into effect shortly after its release, which led people to write it off as a bomb (I

It’s less of a Pixar thing and more of a “general entertainment industry” thing. You’re right that sequels have always been a thing, even with Pixar, but you can look across the current world (and I mean both movies and TV) and see that the sequels and reboots are vastly outnumbering new IPs. It’s a pattern that’s

There was also a planned film, Silver & Black, that was to feature Silver Sable and Black Cat. But that was dropped a few years ago.

Same reason people crap on fast food.

People don’t hate sequels. People hate when it seems like every other movie is a sequel, prequel, remake, or reboot, because it’s seen as a lack of originality. More specifically, people are worried that the success of Inside Out 2, combined with executive leadership’s recent comments, means that Pixar will only make

Especially in situations like this, where the only connection to the person in question is acting in one of the movies based upon her books.  There was zero need for Rowling to say anything at all here.

Current Pixar standards”? Elemental was a decent movie and I though Turning Red was pretty good. Those and Luca were all fairly original films.

Hey now, North Face is pretty good gear.

Far From Home used “I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend.”  The lack of the Ramone’s version of the 60s theme can’t be anything other than intentional at this point.

And heck, if you wanted an older demographic, why cancel Walker? It was one of the few modern shows my 90 something Grandma would watch and the rest of my family thought it was fine. All of the new stuff doesn’t even sound like TV content, just filler

Way back when, a Black Cat and Silver Sable movie was on the books, I think.

No they have her. She was part of their awful expanded universe plan from back when Amazing Spider-Man 2 came out and bombed. I mean she’s not Black Cat, but there’s a Felicia Hardy there in some boardroom scene so they do still have the character.

What’s wild to me is that they’ve been sifting through these C- and D-level characters to headline a movie when the Black Cat is right there! Yes, she’s a shameless Catwoman ripoff, but you can give her luck powers or vibranium claws or something, and that’s at least a protagonist you can build a heist plot around. Is

Normies who aren’t comic book or film nerds really don’t understand the difference between Sony and Disney movies.  Hell some don’t understand why Superman doesn’t show up in the Avengers.   I suspect many actors fall into this category.  The Sony/Disney Spider-man deal muddies the water even more. 

From what I’ve read and heard on podcasts, it was supposed to tie into the Andrew Garfield Spider-Man movies (which are Sony?) and take place in the 90s, with the villain trying to kill baby Peter Parker instead of the three teens. Then that got scrapped to try to make the concept work with MCU Tom Holland Spider-Man

Pfft, they’d hold onto her even if their finances were great. Yeah, she might drive some people away, but the books are already out there and still making money. They’re not gonna drop her over controversial views. (any media company would snap those rights up in a minute if WB did drop her)

It’s a real great scene.  It’s so Raimi and so comic-y and it all just comes together so perfectly.