Proto Man

Seriously. Sounds like a fun crowd!

It’s a wonder The CW “original” content focus has lasted this long, since it is a textbook example of channel drift - a somewhat durable combination of the failed rival UPN and WB networks’ most popular teen oriented content. Thus it’s disingenuous for Padelecki to complain about it. Everything has a lifespan that

I wonder, could they not get Defoe back? It seems to me he’d make a lot more sense for that kinda thing than his butler. 

There will never be a supervillain origin to match Ock’s tentacles wiping out the surgical team.

Supposedly, the original script made clear that Harry subconsciously knew the truth all along, and the butler’s explanation was just in his head as he finally admits it to himself. But then they managed to remove every single reference to this so it just comes across as the real guy.

I liked the CW because it had so much more genre content than the other networks. Like the network equivalent of sci-fi b-movies that occasionally strayed into something more.

I think whenever we watched it as kids we were boozed up too. It’s the quintessential sick day show—just high as hell on Nyquil.

Carey really, genuinely enjoys hanging out with the normal, “working class” people who serve as The Price Is Right’s audience and contestants, even when they’re boozed up, which “happens all the time,” the host reveals. “They’ll have a gummy or I’ll smell alcohol on their breath. Not unusual.

Yeah, he ain’t wrong. Like, most everything CW put out was schlock, but it was fun schlock, and sometimes they had a genuine gem (well, at least until they inevitably ran it way too long and things got weird and/or bad... and sometimes even that was fun to see how wild things could get). And as cable dies its slow

Oh yeah for sure, it’s more a habit anymore, but I have pared it down to only things I care about anymore--which mostly means a handful of independent titles, and the occasional ‘big two’ book.  I do still read several titles online (a lot of the Star Wars titles are surprisingly good, but like most comics it depends

Most action movies pitched at a mainstream audience are PG-13: all the Marvel movies, all DC movies other than Joker, all the Fast and Furious movies. all the Star Wars movies, all the Jurassic Park movies.

I just thought it was a pretty unfortunate expression to choose.

There is a lot of commercial space that’s grown up to the fence-line of the studio lot, and it’s on one of the main drags in Hollywood.

Yo! Ya-yo ya-yo!

It’s buried under a giant T

The Henson Company are good sports. They hooked local developers up with a demolition guy who’s fast and affordable.

“Of course, the Chaplin Lot had a rich history before the Muppets got there, and will hopefully continue to be part of Hollywood history after the Muppets are gone.”

Perhaps before they're hung from the gallows they can tell everyone they buried a server full of the stolen media in one piece. 

I’m just waiting for Taylor Swift to be confirmed as Dazzler, then I’m going to sell my less than mint copy of Dazzler #1 to the top bidder. YOU’LL SEE!!!!!