Proto Man

They don’t care if you say corporations are evil if you don’t specifically mention them. Stewart said some way more contentious things than this on the show.

It’s simple. Techbros think they're infallible, and cannot stand someone proving they're not. 

Obviously, this is bad behavior. But the AV Club should do more to put it in context.

Wasn’t the modern Mulan’s feminist message actually worse the dark, unenlightened 1998 version?

No, there’s definitely a difference between inclusion/diversity and ham handed pandering.

Jasmine’s feminist stuff was pretty ham-handled as well, but eh”

I think they can be good. The live-action Jungle Book movie from 2016 was good (better ending than the animated film), and the live-action Aladdin film was good when they weren’t awkwardly forcing in the original songs (Jasmine’s feminist stuff was pretty ham-handled as well, but eh).

Someone should tell that to the article, since it seems like Gillis was promoting “his Netflix series, Tires, which was just renewed for a second season.”

Shippers tend to do a lot of ‘baiting.

And the sweet Laurel Canyon sound of Dawes.

i miss the good ole days when the most important topics to A.V. Club were (a) Bronson Pinchot and (b) you guessed it... Frank Stallone.

i hope he just keeps making random exorcism movies ever year

I like middle aged, don’t give a fuck, nothing left to prove so let’s take jobs for the fun and the money Russell Crowe. Much better than the angsty early version.

Hoping for The Nice Guys 2.

I don’t see how they didn’t just shut this show down after Conan’s appearance. There’s nothing greater to be done with the format than what he did.

Driving the skin bus to tuna town, you mean. 

She’s on the train to Pound Town.

I mean, shoulda seen it coming, teen TV star to horny as hell pop star is a well trodden career path at this point. I think you could count the list of teen actors (who sing) who didn’t put out at least one song about fuckin’ on your fingers.

She thinks she’s reprocessing? I have an 18-year-old right now, so I watched A LOT of Victorious and Sam & Cat, and I’m trying to square that with her putting out album after album of songs about her wanting to bone down 24/7.

I wonder if anyone actually is dim enough to genuinely believe that’s what the song is about”