Proto Man

It’s a song about, as our Britt Hayes put it, “a woman being held hostage by some guy who may or may not have drugged her adult beverage.”’

Christ, isn’t a little early for the “Baby It’s Cold Outside” clickbait discourse machine to fire up again? Didn’t we settle this years ago, or has the COVID brain fog destroyed that part of our collective memory?

His dramatic stuff is genuinely good. He should do more of it. He was great in Uncut Gems and Hustle on Netflix was really good.

You can look at the cast lists of basically every movie he’s made in the past decade”

All they had to do was go on youtube to find someone who’s never been paid for performing yet is infinitely better. I can’t stand Rob Schneider; he was never funny as a character actor and an asbolute bust as a leading man, seeminly trying to be a raunchier Jim Carey or something but incapable of that level of physical

...unless you’re Mike Myers, for some reason. Which is very odd, because apparently the two get along decently well. They just don’t ever seem to cameo in each other’s movies.

You can look at the cast lists of basically every movie he’s made in the past decade (with the exception of his more serious stuff like Uncut Gems) and see some recurring names in all of them. Chief among them are probably Kevin James, David Spade, Schneider, and Steve Buscemi. If they’re gonna go with say just 6 I

‘” Can we call him Ray, or can we call him Jay?”’

I wil never forgive him for making the Kardashians famous through the power of his penis and her gigantic ass.

I mean, the Kardashians are certainly one of the biggest reasons “influencer” became a viable career path, which I do see as a net negative on the world, so I see where he’s coming from. And that sex tape did move Kim (and her family by association) from a Z-list celebrity to... well, I don’t even wanna go as high as

“...the tape undeniably raised Kardashian’s profile just as Keeping Up With The Kardashians was launching...”

Bluey’s dad never even hits her. And that’s why it’s woke gay propaganda.

One of Sandler’s many empty extra mansions

To be fair, with Google going all in on AI, a search these days might return results about a robbery at Zack Snyder’s house.

Good time to make a typo.

That headline is way too measured, short, and doesn’t have enough instantly dated slang that elder millenials use as desperate appeals to Gen Z.

... uh... yeah, it definitely was! That’s what I’ll go with! Definitely not a typo!

I firmly believe that Falcon and Winter Soldier had a storyline about the Flag-Smashers releasing a worldwide virus to reduce the population a la The Snap...and had to be drastically re-edited when Covid-19 hit. It’s the only thing that makes sense.

Yeah he said he 100% agrees with me about Seinfeld and all other topics.

I’m sure the second he does it’ll be front page news here on the AVC. Sneak preview: