Proto Man

Aaaand the award for Most Unappealing New TV Show goes to....HOSTEL!!! 

Great, now I feel even less guilty about pirating the shows from these fuckers.  

We hate Eminem now so we are going to pretend he isn’t one of the greatest rappers of all time. 

Little Johnny Collins

The gaps between seasons were already huge. There is no way HBO allows an extended hiatus. That is unrealistic.

This just in: Old white man spouts right wing talking points. Up next: Water found to be wet.

I mean Jenny points out the schedule was pretty intense. She said it was best maybe for kids 7-11 as younger kids would get overwhelmed or not be able to do much and then the older kids would realize how little they impacted the gameplay. Being packed into those tiny rooms on a hectic schedule seems like a good way to

Sad but 18 for a dog is amazing. Especially when you find out she was puppy mill “pure breed” which means she was probably inbred as hell. She is getting belly rubs in heaven now like all the good dogs*

So, Google AI is as smart as your average MAGA stooge.

The thing is, at the end of the day, there is a lot of fear mongering and bad food science going around. For the most part calories are calories. If you are not deficient in a specific vitamin and don’t have an allergy, then two thousand calories of McDonalds or a Vegan Salad is going to do the exact same thing for

Olympic-level athletes can probably eat whatever they want, unless they’re in the midst of training and/or competition, and probably be fine.

It’s somewhat similar to Jamie Oliver crusade over school lunches—there’s a lot to say about it, but he (Oliver) has got so many class blinders that his critiques are more about hating a kind of person than an actual look at the issues. Maybe always an entertainer more than investigator, but the whole of Spurlock’s

Michael Phelps ate something like 14,000 calories per day when he was training.  Granted he was in the pool eight hours a day as well.

IIRC, they’re a pretty good balance of carbs, but mostly protein (well, such as it is).

During races, professional cyclists eat a gel that’s almost pure sugar to prevent their body from metabolizing muscle protein into glucose.

Proto, this had better not be you dropping hints that you’re headed out to Murder County to hunt down prom queens. 

he’s just being a good hollywood soldier there haha.