Proto Man

I wish there were a reality show about dating girls from Canada who you wouldn’t have met, to reflect my experience.

“We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas!”

With John F. Kennedy, no less! (Well, allegedly. Just call him Jack).

He died about 20 years ago, saving a Texas retirement home from a mummy.

He is so, so, so underrated in those movies. I rarely read anyone who’s saying much about his performances.

Marvel: We’re going to stop diluting our brand with a bunch of ancillary shows.

Good luck proving that Elvis is dead, I saw three of him in Vegas last week.

Garfield: Thank you all for coming. I’ve brought you together for a reason: Each of you has a particular skill we’ll need for our mission. Hagar the Horrible, with your viking raid experience. Calvin, with your power to bring stuffed animals to life. Charlie Brown, hated by God. Far Side Cow, with your Cow Tools. And

i see disney is taking the home-improvement “turn it off then back on again” approach to fixing superhero fatigue. 

“Make Avengers Great Again!” - Scott Adams, probably

I had been seeing this idea of the X-Men being another universe floating online and my knee-jerk reaction was if they can do that then the MCU will never get rebooted and ‘live long enough to become the villain’. The first big hook of the MCU was the idea of crossovers so it does also take away from the hook of the

People suddenly hating them while loving the Avengers is stupid, the same way racism is stupid.” that is a very strong point.

He’s said plenty disparaging about the Nolan trilogy, it’s just that you could hear it over the foley and soundtrack. 

And in prison, a free...well not a sub exactly...

This is AVClub, they’ve been worse than Kotaku for years.

I said this above, I honestly don’t think the X-Men works without a long gestating hate from humans towards mutants thats the thing.

Mary Worth, Blondie, and Lois (from Hi and Lois) better be on the SNCSCU version of the Avengers.

Just like participation trophies, I don’t think you can blame this one on the kids.