Proto Man

I can't wait to see his take on a fruit pie

Ok, once he was down with the torn ankle and shattered fibula, Knoxville then tasered his genitals. And up his ass.

I sure don’t want to watch TPM again to check but if Qui-Gonn said fifty words to Anakin I’d be surprised

I just binged the entire series for the first time and feel ambivalent about this.

We saw Baymax in person at Epcot

It’s sad that the standard in Hollywood is such that I look at this and just go “well at least no one got SEXUALLY assaulted” and breathe a sigh of relief.

The blackball claim is the only part that seems a bit suspect here. Otherwise, totally seems in character for Knoxville.

This is clearly asshole behavior and Knoxville needs to pay the man but is he really powerful enough to blackball not just some writer but Eric Andre? The writer I can believe but Andre’s hilarious and has an audience that doesn’t care what the Jackass guy thinks.

What a jackass.

The documents state Curry broke his fibula and tore the ankle ligament in his right leg.” Which—and we are not saying this in any kind of legally binding or accusatory way—does sound like the sort of thing we have seen happen many, many times on TV shows produced and masterminded by Johnny Knoxville.”

That’s a twatty

Totally agree...to a point. Sometimes it’s too much and too messy—then the only ones I tend to read of the series with convoluted histories and timelines are the storylines I hear buzz about (Batman and X-Men immediately come to mind)—so when it gets big and convoluted—like Star Wars—fans like me tend to gravitate

I’m not easily shocked but watched the video and said “Oh my God” multiple times. Absolutely at Ray Rice levels. I’m glad there’s actual evidence to potentially put this guy away, after the sheer number of allegations against him which suggest he's a true scourge on the music industry. 

gotta be effective at more than just chopping at peoples’ knees

She must not have voted.

Regrettably, I watched the video. This guy is fucking toast.

I think the video serves as an important reminder to hesitate before doing the kind of logical nitpicking that often happens in these cases. I could certainly imagine people going, “Wait, you’re saying P Diddy managed to run down a hallway at a fancy hotel, grab a woman, and kick her twice, all while wearing a towel?

It’s truly satisfying to see someone who is such a piece of shit getting caught redhanded after so righteously claiming their innocence. 

Yeah, like, I agree that Anakin needed a father figure, and Qui-Gon definitely could’ve been that/would’ve been that if he hadn’t died, but well, he did die. I will throw Filoni (and George Lucas I guess) a bone and say that I’m sure any kid would imprint hard on a dude who got him out of being a slave, but the fact

It seems so obvious when Filoni puts it in these terms.

John Williams’ music.