Proto Man

No one has more disdain for hacky YouTubers than I do, but the idea that there’s literal payola involved is one of the more hilarious delusions among would-be savvy pop-culture observers. 

If the prequel trilogy is receiving a new assessment after all these years it’s most likely because the sequel trilogy was so bad the prequels look better by comparison.

I still yell those words on occasion whenever someone starts talkin’ fancy.


Finding out this news made me genuinely sad; I kinda thought that he’d be around forever.

I worked on a set with lots of nudity once (why am I being cagey it was Westworld) and when the naked people weren’t filming they were in bathrobes. It was really weird to see people in robes everywhere, and then during the nude time try to just make eye contact and not look anywhere else. Those were also long days -

She was just leaching off Rich Evans’s fame and success anyway.

Your brain —not just yours— is an incredibly confused, tangled mess of electrical cords. It’s pretty neat, for instance, that if you wear goggles designed to flip your vision upside down, after a few days it goes “Wait, I thought I already flipped a while ago” and flips back again to make it ‘right side up’ again.

I think it’s the fact that the article wants you to find the grimmest interpretation; if this was a western and she said “i realized I hadn’t seen anyone not wearing a hat and chaps in months” we wouldn’t assume she’s expressing a fucked-up feeling.

Seems like an intense actor-y thing where the experience of pretending to be in a post-apocalyptic wasteland fighting for survival was immersive enough that it was messing with her head and mood.

i think she just means she was so locked in it took her two months to realize how locked in she had been.

Millennials. I was a Millennial kid (the target age no less) when the prequels were originally released theatrically, and I loved them. It didn’t take me long to realize they are not good movies, but for a multitude of reasons I got a lot of entertainment out of them, especially Episode I & III.

getting punched in the face before lunch is wild shit. 

The show was on a par with Heroes in how it burned so brightly and burned out so fast.

I did actually watch sketch comedy last night. Tubi has The Whitest Kids U’Know. RIP Trevor Moore. 

I have a performer crush on Heidi Gardner - not only because she’s pretty but because she does pissed off in a way I completely relate to. I liked her bit on weekend update but am curious why she and her mom weren’t in the cold open.

Ah yes, those damn Millennial assholes, like Jane Austen, F Scott Fitzgerald and Charles Dickens.

1. Doctors get it on.
2. One of them dies.
3. Viewers cry.
4. At NO time does ANYONE practice medicine.

chef’s kiss

Yeah. Like we can deservedly mock the movie, but it was clearly a labor of love. So great that Pine was able to process that reaction in such a healthy way.