
"Sure, I can opt out of social results with a click—but as with all things I don't want to have to opt out. I don't want to have to make that extra click. I want to enter a query, and have the most relevant results returned to me as quickly as possible."


"Dude, you came at me with some bullshit about studies into showing homosexual sex to be more icky than hetrosexual sex."

You misinterpreted Gaider. He said that the majority has no "inherent right" to privilege, but it's just how our world works that the majority gets the privilege.

I was expecting a rant, and I got one. Interesting points, but no real evidence/logic to back it up.

"As soon as you and your other personalities come to grips with being all alone in the world, (you really can't just keep making people up to come to your rescue) you may start to lose your aggression."

Oh, this is priceless. The troll thinks we're trolling. You try to attack my argument by attacking my username (logic fail?), and you refuse to address any points at all; you even admit that you don't read other people's comments. Where's your credibility now?

Why, because his conclusion is different than yours? Because his Wal-Mart is apparently decent? Is that so hard to accept? It seems I understand completely; your rebuttal is so devoid of any kind of logic at all that you find it necessary to attack other people to defend it.

Dude, just give up. You misread his comment. You're in the wrong here because you can't logically prove that @OrokaSempai's statement was "wrong" or not.

@The Squalor Also Rises: Well, that's my cue to give up. I've played this game on Youtube as well. It's unfortunate you had to resort to the old "it's this because I say so."

@The Squalor Also Rises: Hmm. Well, I'm somewhat sure N1ro classified a fanboy using a personality judgment (the person), but you pulled a 180 and said something about the iPhone (which of course is the position that is much easier to defend).

Too bad I'm not legal.

@sathoro: Gah. I misread the comment. Although, I have no idea what "full" Linux would be . . .

@jia683: Given that this is a 1.5 Ghz Atom processor we're considering here, it isn't that surprising.

@triangleman: I think the CR-48 is running Atom at around a 1.5 Ghz? People have said it's slow (eg, lagging while typing, lagging with Flash, etc., etc.).

@HK-47: If you aren't getting one of those laptops yourself, why should it matter? I get what you're saying, but specs/OS matter more to me than the stickers . . .

@sathoro: Actually, it's Linux.