The look she gives at 7:58 when the Trump idiot says “just a moment dear” and taps her hand...oh boy.
The look she gives at 7:58 when the Trump idiot says “just a moment dear” and taps her hand...oh boy.
The look the Hillary supporter shoots the camera when the Trump lunatic says he won over women is basically this election in a nutshell.
I’m afraid that that “smart money” is actually “misplaced faith in the American public money.”
That statement is hilarious for a number of reasons but the top two are
That video is a magnificent pitch perfect parody.
According to the news it should really be the “down there” blouse, the “genitals” blouse, or the “p-word” blouse.
How can you say they’re ignoring the news if you refuse to send it to them?
Never would have gotten started in the first place.
Her head tilt at 3:45 is basically me for the last 14 months.
Is Paul Ryan at all popular nationally? I can’t tell if his campaigning for or against Trump holds any sway at all. I know he’s the top dog in DC, but do voters actually like him?
And then proceeded to stand so close behind her that it looked like he was ready to grab her pussy to throw her off the stage.
You can hear his dry mouth smacking oh god this is awful.
The 12 year old is actually the only mildly relevant point here because it involves Hillary. She was defending the man accused of raping the woman (then a girl) and cross examined her on the stand — an experience that is, understandably, deeply traumatic for anyone, especially for a child.
Don’t be silly. Everyone knows a woman’s only as good as the man she’s married to.
An abuser using abused women to defend himself. What a dipshit.
Well, that clinches it. I won’t be voting for Bill Clinton in the 2016 election.
That’s hilarious.