As far as know she’s confirmed but OK, if not, I still call foul on your DNC is above the celerity ploy suggestion when they have Katy Perry on the schedule.
As far as know she’s confirmed but OK, if not, I still call foul on your DNC is above the celerity ploy suggestion when they have Katy Perry on the schedule.
Except for Moretz?
It was so fun to laugh about the D list celebs Trump had to drag up, I was really expecting star power at the DNC — and the best Clinton can do is Moretz?
That’s a justified response in most of the stories we hear, but not in this case at all. Man matching the general description of an armed robber down to the clothing is confronted by police, he ignores them and then reaches in his pocket. As far as I can tell the cops did the right thing.
They won't have to be dishonest. He has a history of voting for reproductive rights and gun control. Speaking the truth will be enough to get Trump followers to hate him.
Criticizing the tailored fit and presentation of the dress worn by a woman who works in fashion is hardly catty.
Blue collar billionaires shop off the rack.
But what’s your opinion on maxi dresses?
Your body is clearly just protecting you.
Yeah 2 years is the minimum recommended time. More is often better.
Giving noisy electronic toys to children without asking for parental consent should be a felony.
It’s not a judgment, it’s stating the tragically under-publicized medical recommendation of the largest health organization in the world with the introductory caveat that people are allowed to make their own reproductive decisions in accordance with their own happiness.
Please point to where I suggested she should not be allowed to make her own decision.
I’m happy for her if she’s happy but this might be a good time to remind people that the WHO recommends 2 years between pregnancies so that a woman’s body can fully recover from child birth.
The was delightful. I can't really blame Melania - I'd want to plagiarize her whole personality.
Shame you couldn't also cover up his stupid face.
I don’t know why that stands out to you, anyway — I’m sure that every article that quoted the speech writer Jon Favreau as an expert on this introduced him by mentioning his past job as a telemarketer selling newspapers.
If any woman had an earlier career outside of academia, it must be mentioned as it influences her current accomplishments — especially something that requires as little talent and commitment as being a ballerina.
This is particularly hilarious in light of the fact that so many conservatives are saying Melania would be a return to classy, quiet first wives after the horrible abrasiveness of Michelle’s tyranny for 8 years.
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