
Totally. I know the process, I was just curious what they used given that they were on a crowded train platform without access to many resources and presumably working quickly. Whatever it is, I'm glad someone knew the right way to do it - things could have gotten very messy.

I immediately wondered how they managed to disengage her from the third rail to make it safe to rescue her.

It’s black tho

Oh god mine too. The best way to make him laugh is to show him videos of himself laughing. Utterly entranced.

This really bums me out, I loved their relationship.

Or when you take a video or photo of your kid looking cute and then rewatch it ten seconds later when the real thing is literally sitting right in front of you.

I wasn’t really aware of Khloe having done anything particularly loathsome other than being a Kardashian, which seems like a weird thing to condemn someone for.

We can't the edit window is closed and I know, it was a mistake as I've already said. I'm relieved she isn't identifiable from it but feel terrible that she and her friends will know it's her and see it everywhere. I can't keep apologizing though so I'll just leave it there.

I know. I scrolled down to screen cap her response and posted it without even paying attention to the top half. I regret it but there’s nothing I can do about it (I actually initially tried to insert a link to the tweet which would have solved that problem by burying the Khloe image but kinja was kinja)

Lots of cognitive dissonance when she’s using that photo to defend a woman who poses naked on the regular and was made famous by a sex tape supposedly leaked without her permission.

You're totally right, I shouldn't have included the photos in that screen shot.

The Kardashians of all people should know how horrible it is when paparazzi take horrible, violating photos of her. Fuck her.

And to post a half naked picture to slut shame and embarrass her (well, actually an innocent bystander) when the Kardashians all so vocally defend Kim’s right to do whatever she wants with her body as essentially a feminist move.

This is fucked. Do your research — also don’t slut shame and post paparazzi shots of a 19 year olds ass in some kind of ridiculous feud. Khloe don’t make me hate you.

Seriously. Sending people to snap chat instead of posting it on Twitter was a PR master stroke.

Anyone who thinks Trump and Clinton are interchangeable hasn't been paying attention.

I don't particularly like her, why?

And play an instrument. All Perry has is her voice and that SUCKS.

You're right, let me rephrase. He's as bad as Trump, no doubt. But he doesn't scare me as much as Trump because he doesn't have the charisma to rally the nation to destroy itself:

Also, in 2000 (nearly a half a century after a landmark study established the link between cigarettes and lung cancer), he wrote: “Time for a quick reality check. Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn’t kill.” He has repeatedly slashed smoking cessation programs and takes money