Wee Baby Seamus

Mine is 9. I taught her self defence last year because she is so gentle and pleasant that I cannot stand the thought of someone hurting her and her not knowing how to defend herself. Every now and then I shout “WHOSE BODY?” and she shouts “MY BODY”. There are really simple moves you can teach her: chin thrust, fingers

You and your BF are “doing well” because the BF wants you to leave your support network and move to a place where you have no one who will protect you from him.

Ha! My personal favourite manifestation of not giving a fuck anymore is telling a man that yes, I understood his joke - I’m not laughing because he’s not funny.

OMG. Please, Americans, do not start doing this.

After this, he might be a former VP at Citibank.

we are now boarding the passengers seated in the no class section of our fight.

My husband once pissed me off before a flight. I stared out the window in silence for three hours, out the bus window for one hour and then through a 30 minute information session at the hotel, before finally continuing our fight once ensconced in our room. These people need to be sentenced to a rage repression

Honestly, though, there is no woman too beautiful to be called ugly by a man she’s just turned down. To the kind of men who insult women like that, sexual availability is a defining component of attractiveness. (It’s kind of the same way that “slut” is used as an insult against women who say no to sex.)

No, she wasn’t one of the guys. Tom wasn’t grabbing the other guys’ asses, only hers. Letting him do it and them laugh about it was the price of admission for being the girl they tolerated in their group.

This was powerful and eloquent and touched a nerve.

That’s when you stuff his pillowcase with them.

Whenever I read a frothy article that’s all ‘Here are the top ten things in women’s fashion that men hate’, I just want to do everything on the list as a reminder that I do not exist for anybody’s boner. It’s that level of pettiness that led to me cutting off all of my hair after a boyfriend told me he didn’t want me

And woe betide any woman who refuses to go gently (or quietly, for that matter) into that good night.

And Michael, too. My college boyfriend reprimanded me for putting pantyliner wrappers in the garbage in his bathroom because his roommate would tease him for it. I was so humiliated. I didn’t occur to me then to be pissed at him and his stupid roommate. I feel sad for my younger self, and I’ll never stop being pissed

Vanity keeps me from throwing away my makeup and sanity keeps me from, as I often feel the repugnant urge, breaking the mirror with the surface of my own face and leaving us both cracked open. But I also can’t deny my current impulse to become as ugly and unlikeable as I can, merely to serve as constant reminder of

This was amazing. Thank you for writing!

Becoming Ugly

In 2001, when I was about 14 years old, my male friends invented a game that went like this: one of them—and it was

Ashley, taking one for the team

sorry for being good at my job

Sauvage af.