
Thank you. Two things can be true— we can acknowledge that this is more than most rapists get, while maintaining that it is insufficient. Additionally, I would argue that he WAS coddled, and the judge WAS lenient, because he’s a rich white kid, drenched in privilege. Let’s be real, black and brown rapists would never

The Daily Beast said Persky “coddled” Turner; the petitioners said the sentence was “lenient.” Yet they’re both wrong. The truth is that Brock Turner will spend more time in jail than 97 percent of rapists.

It's always easier to blame the woman, who is already used to receiving scorn for shit she hasn't done, than to point out that this man is walking around armed and willing to murder people if his peen isn't satisfied. We should be talking about that, not where the lil girl was at.

“Why can’t women be honest and just tell a guy no?”

This here is all the receipts I need. Bravo.

does it really matter? she is not cheese or wine.

You had to figure something was up when Leonardo DiCaprio didn’t date her.

That poor kid and his poor sisters, who were basically just told via major news outlets that they’re not good enough.

...and his son will grow up with the knowledge that he was genetically engineered to live the life his father wanted for him! Not to mention help absolve his mom’s guilt over a manslaughter charge! Healthy stuff all around!!!

Yeah these people should not be making more people.

His daughters must feel so wanted and loved.

You really need Samer to write “it is bad for athletes to joke about killing homosexuals”?

I think this is a case where the phrase “goes without saying” applies quite literally.

Is that a polypeptide boson realignment transducer in your pocket, or are you just glad to magnetoreceive me?

In her defense, it is really annoying to constantly be asked “which one are you,” or simply receive the observation of, “hey, sisters!” My sister and I were always asked by neighbors and distant relatives, “which one are you?” at holiday events, weddings, or while jogging in the neighborhood. At some point you get fed

I’m on Irish time but that just means I’m drunk and lost my watch.

Imagine being told that if you worked hard just like your parents did you would get the same opportunities they would, so you go into life expecting that just by the sheer power of your effort you will succeed. Only now ten other people are vying for your job who grew up hearing the same thing.

Actually, “’Please clap,’ he said, sounding defeated.” is a pretty good six-word story in its own right.

and “Jeb!” supplants “Please clap” as the shortest, saddest story ever told.