
Remember: the market and corporations are always right when reacting to governmental over-regulation.*

Pro-level trolling. I think you triggered a bunch of snowflakes. Maybe they can ask their nearest SJW for help understanding irony.

Look, liberals,

Why do they all look like they work at Dunder-Mifflin?

People didn’t care (46%)...They voted for him (46%)

Why I am marching today (See you soon, NYC!):

How many times are we going to let him beat our ass before we leave this obviously abusive relationship? We realize the longer we wait the greater the possibility that we might not make it out alive, right?

Is it possible to get some of these free tickets and then just not show up, thereby contributing to the lack of a crowd?


I miss the days when The Onion imitated real life, instead of the other way around!

Get out.

Now those are words Talib by.

The ASL translator at the SotU is just going to make a wanking motion for 90 minutes.

Also, she basically hired Ike Turner* as her coach.

Cant wait for him to blame it on Hillary, her emails and Obama.

I know I shouldn’t be playing this game...when they go low, we go high and all that jazz. But that lady reminded me of SOMETHING, and I couldn’t put my finger on what it was... 

All those years working for House gave Tomlin a keen wit

Wired mused, “if our math is right... their boycott [is] a protest against free speech.”