
Letting Obama bang his wife might do it. They have a hate boner for “cucks” but I have a feeling they could perform some expert level mental gymnastics to justify it.

Quite frankly, it’s because we’re fucking stupid and deserve every bite of the shit sandwich we’re eating.

Odd that republicans dont want to dig too deep into Michael Flynn, considering how willing they were to dig into Michael Brown’s past.

Laugh now, but this will be the thing that the GOP uses to get trump re-elected in the 2020 race against Harris.

No, ‘cause first amendment. #maga #benghazi

ive tried pointing this out to a number of relatives who were, unfortunately, too fucking stupid to understand.

well done

I read all those words with the hopes that you turned out to not be a fuckwad. Alas, I leave dumber and disappointed.

I don’t know what you guys are bitching about. It sounds like this nice CBP officer was acting down-right presidential, if you ask me.

I feel like Im going to wake up one day and read that this asshole has made his yuuuge hands a new unit of measure.

Go fuck yourself.

That’s the kid who played young Michael Myers in Rob Zombie’s Halloween.

“You’re telling the enemy everything you want to do”

I hate to have to ask, but he knows that this ISN’T a monarchy, right?

Most military guys (as well as the cops who want to be military guys but were too scared to actually sign up) I know are the types that vote strictly republican. In fact, most of the people I know that vote republican knew who they were voting for in this election before they actually knew the name on the ballot.

What if he gets a blowjob? Surely they’d be against that...

Guys, I’m starting to think this Trump guy might be a conman. If only he gave us a sign before November 8th.

Fuck these people with whatever genitals they’re afraid of.

I am not into slut shaming. Lord knows I love a free woman. That said, when she does her stupid nazi business, I just think of the face she makes when shes got a dick in her butt.

What do you think the over/under is on the number of abortions pro-life Trump has paid for?