
Icing On The Cake

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Darrell Green was a good little guy, and though he didn’t play offense, watch him return a punt in what looks like -50 degrees.

Wow, the DOE bitchslapped Trump so hard that it even hurt this guy’s feelings.

Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.

It’s also a matter of understanding how other cultures function, even if certain things seem “silly” to us. Trump is acting like the loud, ugly American in Paris who won’t eat anything but McDonald’s. He has no idea how other cultures function, or how people in other cultures think.

I do not see this.

Whatever they are, I as a black man don’t have the privilege or time of worrying about what to call them. They are an existential threat to my well-being and life is what they are.

Technically, he could have a photo of his dad, just not one he’d want to hang on to.

well, clearly trump winning this election was like a dog chasing a car - neither has any idea what to do with it now that they’ve caught it.