
Wait wait wait wait...you’re telling me this guy...that guy up there...red shirt, stubble, couple of disembodied rhino legs where his arms should be...that guy...the one with the chain around his neck, which is encased in some kind of flesh-colored cervical collar...you’re telling me that guy was suspended by the NFL

I bet he wishes he didn't hit that first drive so baddeley.

Tom Coughlin: "Damnit, GPS lady, shut up!"

Hernandez: Is this a yellow cab?

Bedard: "Weren't you pissed off?"
Cabbie: "Quite the opposite, in fact."

At that point Hernandez whipped around, got in my face, unleashed a stream of

"I know you want to run with this one John, but I say we throw it back to the studio."

"Don't mind me. Just looking into bombing footage."

"Wow that guy from Vikings organization is really riding him!"

They only rescind red cards in the Champions League in the case of mistaken identity.

Article 1. The Rock and Jock. A second crossbar will be installed 40 feet above the ground the regular crossbar. A team kicking a field goal will have the option to bring Dan Cortese on the field to attempt a kick over the higher crossbar for an additional 2 points, making it a 5 point attempt. On a failed attempt,

I, for one, see nothing wrong with the Patriot Act that would increase video surveillance of everything.

@ProFootballTalk Can you name another job where the workers are subjected to head trauma comparable in frequency and severity?

First off, fuck you.

Second, this guy quit his job FOR REAL. And you can't even PRETEND to quit your job in your bullshit bravado comment? Please imply harder that you're a bigger badass than Borland...when your timid ass can't even pretend to take the financial risk he actually took in real fucking life.

So he's going to stomp on her groin? That doesn't seem to help his crusade...

"We didn't bring Sam in here to be a chip. I'm the only 'chip' here." - Chip Kelly, always yuks

All I know is, Foles wasn't going to repeat 27/2.

Finally, someone to throw to on the goal line.

Well, at least Seattle fans will get to see a few dunks now.

Is it just me, or do the Seattle DBs (past and present) sound really white, like not even just northeast preppy white, like Eton white. Richard Sherman, Brandon Browner, Walter Thurmond, Byron Maxwell, Tharold Simon, etc.