
...This is for real?

(Yeah, I’m just trying to keep a site-specific running joke alive. Hence the mock seriousness in the all-caps bolding and italics.)

...hang on a second. How could you have voted in ‘88? Weren’t you born in 1972?

Well yeah - Garnet can pull her punches.

I feel like fast food is about halfway there anyway, so...

Right franchise, wrong entry. But it’s the right wrong entry for fan reasons. Thank you kindly for your work.

That’s not a trap, that’s a feature. More complexity means more things that can break down, and that leads to maintenance contracts. 

There’s a second problem: maintenance costs.

Every week I keep hoping that maybe this will be the one where I don’t have to talk about kids being trash. It’s only Monday and this already ain’t the week.

Who knew that the way to make black movies into crossover successes was to keep making horror films?

The other option is, the district gets to explain why there’s a parent’s blood all over their meeting room.

...since you forgot about Obama real fast - halfway through a paragraph! - do I need to remind you about Hillary too?

Toriyama’s style translates pretty well, if the DB and Shonen Jump games are any indication.

Boohoo, make your own breakfast fatty

...yes, and no. 

He is a white cis Christian millennial veteran who is obviously affluent (though not a millionaire).

Could someone kindly ‘shop up Greninja on the Kakuranger opening?

Huh. Didn’t realize how regional the rush was, this time. (Remember the last couple of snow-pocalypses?)