Uh, there haven't been doubts for several years; ergo, the evidence is compelling that you're the dumbfuck.
Uh, there haven't been doubts for several years; ergo, the evidence is compelling that you're the dumbfuck.
I want to root for the A's and all their scrappiness but I'm a Tiger's fan, so today I'm just pissed. Valverde has been nothing short of a gas-can this season. My fear for tonight is that Verlander will go the distance and pitch great, give up 1 run, Tiger's offense goes to sleep an we lose 1-0.
you a sprocket scientist?
Don't hurt yourself dismounting your high horse.
Was this cross-posted on Jezebel or has DS really gotten this bad?
I hope he doesn't let him go once he retires.
No joke. Right from their VISA CARD TEMPORARILY CLOSED Recent News
What a dick!
and his head thingy is a nod to Randy 'The Macho Man' Savage
many a porn starlet agrees
bah..stupid Kinja
It looks like the launcher in the picture using ADX EX with the MetroStation icon pack. Both available on the Store
i guess you could tilt the handlebar when you hang it so your top bar is level when racked
re-purpose an article into a nice weekend filler
you call that kicking?
for those of us lucky enough to live near the border (detroit, buffalo), we get it with basic cable and it's splendid
Kurtis Blow?