
“10 long years.”

I love a scooter that does freeway speeds. This thing is like new. NP, and shut up, it’s ok to like scooters.

Kinda looks like Buster from behind...whose brother-in-law was a self-described “analrapist”

Bode Miller’s announcing style is...subdued. We’ll go with subdued. And listening to him talk about anything other than skiing makes me question whether he has a fully functioning brain. BUT...as someone who skied regularly and well before his knees went to shit, I think he does an excellent job of breaking down what

Don’t be that guy.

Some fine points here, mostly related to appearance (pugs are cute, but also have been bred into a state where they can’t endure much physical exertion, have trouble breathing, etc), but the headline is honestly just total bunk. You cite some breed-specific health issues, which is fine, but fail at making the case

Damn, how much more burning can California take?

Once you reach a certain age, pitching a tent gets harder and harder.

i, too, hate it when i accidentally do a public racism.

99% Invisible is one that impresses me every week. It’s a podcast about the hidden design in all areas of life. Some of my favorite episodes include the making of the NBC Chimes, how sound effects are made for nature documentaries, and how the White House selected 10 letters for President Obama to read each evening.

So race targeting by police is worldwide?

Your comment hit me right in my inner 13-year-old. I can’t stop laughing!

Them’s the return flight undies, put on so quickly they were backward. You don’t wanna see the arrival flight undies.

Just chiming in to say that Hal Higdon is the fucking truth, and he has tons of different programs for different distances. I used his beginners guide to a 15K when I did my first 10 miler, and I blew away my goal time on race day. I modified it slightly to accommodate a wedding I had to travel for, but otherwise

I’ve run several marathons, all slow, all with half-assed training. This guide is spot on. All I will add is make sure you buy nipple guards. Trust me on this.

Same. “Download here” must have a different meaning than “download here”.

I know right?! A sample grid on Google Drive would have been convenient.

“When I break you, we’ll see,” is a strange retort, but okay.

Let’s not confuse desire to work with an aversion to office work. I have a few friends, who talk about how they don’t want to be an office drone, work for a big corporation, etc. What they really mean is that they don’t want to work very hard/much.

Said a slightly different way...