
That's a travesty of justice.

Or Detroit's Rob Parker. Oh wait, we have that numbnuts too

Not to nitpick, but given his overall puck-handling abilities that was a pretty decent backhander. And in fairness to the goalie, I doubt many ballers would contest an Obama jumper either.

Heads up for the racist Joel Ward tweets.

I agree. Even if you Kriss-Kross them, they don't treat you like an OutKast. They're always full of TLC

I like this better. the consistent use of lines makes it easier to easily see values that aren't 5 or 10.

that's been mentioned a bunch of times. it's not a conspiracy.

I'd like to recommend great razors. They cryogenically freeze name brand razors so they last a lot longer. I've used them before and while my mileage isn't exactly they claim is possible, I was able to use them twice as long as non-frozen ones. definitely worth a try.

Ok, update. It's working but it's wonky. The Shift+Enter is the only way to save an entry. If you create a new note w\ tag and submit via Shift+Enter, it saves fine. If you edit an existing note but don't hit Shift+Enter, your entry isn't saved but you aren't alerted that it's not saved. You can tab off and edit

I just tried it out and the hashtags aren't working for me in Chrome. It removes the hashtag from the note text but doesn't create a new tag on the left hand side. Anybody else having this problem?

oh man, that one whore is going to be pissed when she founds out about the other whore

God, that is depressing. Was that supposed to fire up the crowd? I'd just want to go home and hug my Dad.

It shows up in Outlook the same way it does my toilet: Monster, Taco B.M.

man, i used 'the app' 3 times, but it wouldn't let me edit after i submitted...the app

I downloaded and the app part looked great. I was really disappointed with the widget. I expected something clean like the app but it's convoluted and not very eye-appealing like the app

Vote: Sansa Fuze

thanks @smartguy and @omnichad for your input. I want to start over ripping my DVD collection and I want to do it in a way that I will be happy with for the near future.

Actually, I was the one who was confusing. I meant to infer that big screen = high quality and tablet = lower quality so I think my initial combo would probably be OK.