You are full of shit because you keep insisting that Mr. McKnight was trying to get into the car when there is absolutely no evidence to that at all. The quote you keep putting up says that his hand was ON the window, which apparently you’re too stupid to understand is not the same as being inside of the damn car.…
It’s cool that HRC was both running for President and in charge of HR at the same time.
My theory is the guys and gals of Splinter (including all the frothing ProgBro commenters) are only able to reach orgasm when they publish an article/comment critical of HRC. It’s a medical issue and we should all feel sorry for them.
I feel like the fact that your first comment misquoted the article means your opinion doesn’t matter to me. Threats aren’t nice.
Well this does seem like a pretty black and white issue, literally and figuratively. If the cops were out of line, they’re not just dealing with some random black dude so they’ll be punished, probably severely given the media attention. If the cops were not out of line, then Brown is an asshole and an idiot. Don’t…
You take your pork rolls and your WaWa down the shore, south Jersey. Try walking into a diner in Bergen County and ordering that garbage. GTFOH.
This is the most important infographic I’ve ever seen.
I thought the old McNugget under my couch was White Genocide. I’m so confused.
“In His Loving Service” is the worst fucking James Bond movie.
“In His loving service
what in the hell are you talking about?? Wash your crock pot!!
Every old war/spy movie has that pivotal scene where the scary secret police guy stops our hero with “Papers pleeez” (usually on/near a whistling train), cause that’s life in a police state.
Maybe he’s working at Anker.
Buy 1 Amazon echo and get the deep state surveillance included for free with Amazon prime!
Ima go with what the teacher said. Fuck children who think they know shit. They don’t. By the way, “Indians” did not discover America since the Mughals weren’t sending ships around Africa to get here. So much for what this precious youngster knows.
The whole thing feels too contrived to be real. I’m sure there are short-sighted teachers still sugar coating the story of Columbus. And I’m equally sure there are parents who have embedded this kind of insolence toward a teacher into their kids. Yet it all still just feels like something someone concocted to get…
for real the line in the review about them dancing around whether they or trans or doing it for employment is ridiculous given no one would have made that distinction in the 1890s
In which case they should be shopping their resumes to Netflix competitors. Equal pay for equal work is pretty hard to parse in the entertainment industry.