I can’t wait for next year, when he moves to Crown Heights and becomes a Lubavitcher.
I can’t wait for next year, when he moves to Crown Heights and becomes a Lubavitcher.
You have to go to the Famous Original Roberta’s of Greenwich Village.
You agree it’s a flawed institution and yet resent someone for not going along with it? I don’t care why Melania has decided not to play First Lady. I have no illusions that her intentions are noble, I think she seems like a pretty selfish and vapid person. That doesn’t make it any less outrageous that in 2017 we…
What job? First Lady isn’t a paid position with real responsibilities. It’s a sexist, thankless throwback from the days before wives were allowed to have separate lives and careers from their husbands and were expected to be a full time mothers and help-mates. I don’t have many nice things to say about Melanie Trump…
can’t cross...a golf course
Before I comment on the jeep, I want to make it clear I have the utmost respect and admiration for what this man did. Grossly underweight, riddled with parasites, blood poisoning, and shot 5 times and he still got through the most fortified and militarized border on Earth? Seriously, somebody find him something importa…
You should go ride your bikey bike, Bikey McBikeface!
They’re super labour-intensive and the poly pellets are pretty expensive.
They’re super labour-intensive and the poly pellets are pretty expensive.
<holds envelope to forehead>
This site and a section of the commentariat is VERY dedicated to hating certain people and blindly stanning others. It tends to come in cycles: they hold up certain celebrities on a pedestal, then tear them down as soon as someone reads the “your fave is problematic” Tumblr.
I have a problem with this analysis of her crimes. Kanye cleared half the lyrics.
I would imagine that any artist that wants to sell a lot of albums and thus end up selling more tour tickets and merch etc etc would release songs anywhere they could to try to increase their popularity. This seems like smart business to me? Idk, I can’t hate T.S. the way Jez wants me to and see everything she does as…
Working in a university communications office, and being pro-labor on most matters of the sort, that press release annoys the fuck out of me—for the grammar alone, notwithstanding the messaging. But good on them for honoring the (one-year revocable) scholarship.
It’s 2017! And it’s also Thanksgiving! “Native American” police, for fuck’s sake.
So that explains it. Guess I’ll tell my little sister to stop posting these flyers on telephone poles.
Hamilton Nolan
“For over eighty years, the Hall of Fame has been a place to look up to, where the hallowed halls honor those who played the game hard and right. I hope the vast majority of the population couldn’t possibly care less about and it could stop existing tomorrow and life would go on for everyone. Most people literally…
Sure, but you still live in Jacksonville. Ouch.
Why are Jerry Seinfeld and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar on CNN?
I had the great misfortune of living near there for the worst six months of my life, until I had a moment of clarity and left. There are two smells that will haunt me forever.