
Walking without identification? People are really getting tickets for this now? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

Is it being in a stolen SUV or being with a felon at 4:45am that comes with the automatic death penalty?

Patrol officers should not carry firearms.

Anyone notice that the rate of citizens dying by gunshot from police is much higher than the other way around?

10-15 miles per hour is the average running speed for humans.

Friedman is that, now. Previously (like 30+ years ago) he was the Middle East correspondent for NYT, and arguably pretty good at it. His biggest story was covering the Sabra and Shatila massacres - he may have been the guy that broke the story globally, I can’t recall, but that was his calling card. 

....or in Brooksies case, his Meet the Press conversations are attempted re-hashing of his horrendous columns- and his horrendous columns are re-hashings of his earlier horrendous columns.

Oh gee, Trump lied and doesn’t give a shit about anything but photo ops where he can shove himself to the front? Surprising!

Here is the thing I don’t see mentioned: Comeys testimony desribed three meetings. The first was at Trump Tower, where Comey was alerting Trump about the “Pee tape dossier” without trying to come across in Comey’s words “like J. Edgar Hoover” ...in effect making Trump feel like he was presenting him with this

Honestly surprised it wasn’t a jacked up F250 rollin’ coal while doing donuts around the pin. That would have played well with his base.

It’s not fundamentalism. It’s rank fucking hypocrisy. David Brooks (a man writing about his role as the WSJ op-ed editor during a half-billion dollar investigation of a blowjob) cheated on his last wife and married the woman with whom with he was cheating — a women half his age who was his research assistant on a book

It’s not fundamentalism, it’s pointing out the hypocrisy of one David Brooks.

The definition of autopilot isn’t something that takes full control. That would be an autonomous car. Autopilot is something that reduces driver workload, like autopilot on an aircraft.

“Oh. I didn’t know that. I’m not from here, I’m from Canada.”

I’d venture that it’d be more unusual for a world leader who DOESN’T mock Trump. I bet even Putin goofs on the dumbass.

The dead raccoon was retrieved by Borch’s dad, who packed it into a Taste of the Wild dog food bag and handed it over to the Maine Warden Service.

Paul LePage: “ I think it’s great that a Maine woman killed a coon with her bare hands.”

Jokes on you because that raccoon’s name was Shifty