
Chemical weapons research and production facilities? Antiaircraft batteries and tracking and control installations. Bad Syrian pizza parlors?

Whitney Kimball, bad speller.

They just don’t do comedy like that anymore. Not even in Canada. Makes you think.

A great many words on something of no great significance. What an insular bubble world you all strut and preen in.

There is no need to be sorry. You have a preference as is your right. This preference provides a window into your soul.

Go to sleep Putin. You are drunk. We are onto your stupid shitposts. Just fuck off.

Yiddish for a steam bath?

“The Holocaust” is trademarked by jews. Genocide occurring in the past, taking place now, and unquestionably and inevitably to take place in the future are not holocaust(s). They may be mass extirpations of a specific grouping or subset of a population but the handy rule is: it’s only a Holocaust if it involves

Hi Beth

Hi Beth

Everybody’s tired of him? Nope. Tired and irritated by his shit and general incompetence but Bolton is happy to kiss Trump’s ass so he can play at being important for a while and maybe help start a few wars. The Republicans are gonna ride Trump as long as they can to get a few more judges locked in, get rid of

Maybe this is the place for a competent software engineer to explain the limitations and error probabilities of the various sensor and vision systems in varying ambient conditions, and to lay out the failure modes and failure percentages of the decision algorithms in use.

This video is an excellent fake, made to confuse and perplex westerners. It is not a real Japanese video because there aren’t 8 or 10 inset small pictures of goofy people saying goofy things and making faces while the main activity is unfolding.

These screwy things look really great. I always have plenty of potatoes on hand for grilling because I buy several 10lb. bags at a time. I like to put them on top of a comforter when I lie down to nap because that’s way cheaper than a weighted blanket and potatoes are an effective way of micro-targeting critical

These screwy things look really great. I always have plenty of potatoes on hand for grilling because I buy several

Only assholes use “virtue-signal”. It is a term made up by assholes for assholes.

No you don’t.

Not much worth trolling here. Here sucks and is boring, predictable, same old shit all the time.

What is the difference between live golf and dead golf. Dead golf is over faster and is more exciting to watch.

The bearded smiling douchebag in the header picture is pretty happy under his weighted blanket. Avoid his nonchalant insouciance. Please be advised that it is important that the weighted blanket be used with appropriate safety measures, otherwise serious injury could result.

The bearded smiling douchebag in the header picture is pretty happy under his weighted blanket. Avoid his nonchalant

So your dad is a controlling asshole and your mom is one of the early Stepford models. You’re a peach as well. I was very amused to read this amusing anecdote.

This was nice. A callback to the old AV Club. Is this an indication that this site is getting better, or is it just an outlier? Does the new AV Club still suck?