Drummond also missed two layups early and was rightly called for a basket interference on his own dunk.... I hate this team
Drummond also missed two layups early and was rightly called for a basket interference on his own dunk.... I hate this team
Other team can’t score if you murder all their batters
Can confirm he was regularly called this in the Detroit area.
Oh that’s absolutely the two of them.
Who hurt you, Tim?
“Who wouldn’t want this guy as their coach?”
Hi. I’m a 30-year-old married man, didn’t take out any loans to pay for college, and I’m a liberal. I’m willing to pay higher taxes to help people less fortunate than me cause I’m not a selfish fucking cunt.
Hm... Bernie condemned the softball shooter who supported him. BLM and Obama condemned the shooter in Houston. Trump condemned... both sides.
Ah, but only one of these presidents condemned the person responsible...
The problem is that the people from Metro Detroit are dumber than a box of rocks. We’re talking about people who continue to think the Lions are going to ever be good.
The better question: Are the Warriors actual goats?
Glad Councilwoman Castañeda-López got the shout out she deserves in this article! I’m proud of the way she has represented me and my fellow Detroiters on the council - a true public servant
Or you know, he could be making sure he’s not libeling people who are still presumed innocent by the courts. But yeah, he lacks morals.
Hi, MSU alum here.
Great job calling Jeter “Alex” after an answer from A-Rod. Woof. (@ 0:45 or so)
As a man, I can’t think of the last time I had a one-on-one meal with a woman other than my wife... because it doesn’t even register as unusual. But it’s mostly because I prefer groups. I have eaten with several colleagues who aren’t my wife in a group setting, but not one-on-one.
My mom died of a brain tumor when I was young.
Cool Runnings?!?
I’m a high school teacher and one of my seniors is obsessed with him. Showed me a picture yesterday and said “Look at my husband.”
I live in Detroit. I thought Illitch was a douche.